Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ok, I'm Serious This Time

I will try really hard to keep this updated. I had some success on (another cool blogging site that I let fall through), so I know I can get some readers on here (please?).

Anyway, despite the fact that I'm unemployed (stupid f***king economy), I have been busy the past few weeks. I helped my theater company put up a show in Manhattan at the East to Edinburgh festival. Here's the link if you don't believe me:
And yeah, it really was as corny as the title sounds (A Midsummer Night's Dream A Rock Musical?!?!?!?! wtf?). But it was fun hanging out with old friends and meeting people.

I also met the funniest woman on the planet - Carolyn Castiglia. She did the one-woman show "Brown Ambition", and it was hysterical. I mean, most one person shows are like autobiographies (egotistical catalysts for an artist to rant and rave about themselves). But this was honest, gutsy, and just plain hysterical. So, Carolyn, rest assured that the next time you're performing in NYC, I'm going to be there and drag a million friends with me.

And that's been life so far. Now I'm just chilling at home, bored, and making a list of what I need to bring with me to college. Oh yeah! Did I forget to mention that I'm finally going to college?! *cough**cough* YAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Ok, I'm done being obnoxious. See ya later imaginary followers!

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