Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Writer's Frustrations...

You know what's really frustrating? When you have a great idea for a short story or something, and you think and think about it, but you have to wait to get home so that you have a pen and paper to write it on. So, by the time you get home, you forgot half of what you thought about. And then what you're writing all of the sudden looks like shit, even though it was a marvelous idea!!!! It drives me insane!! I had this great idea the other day to write a short story based off of my poem "The Storm". It would be a short simulation of how a storm grows and brews, and after it's done its worse, it recedes, but still leaves "the clouds". I was thinking about it in the car on my way to my grandparent's house, but I couldn't write it down until I got there being that my notebook and pen were in my bag in the trunk! I get to my grandparents house, I start writing as fast as possible, and I forgot half of my ideas, and now I actually have to sit and try really really hard to come up with something that actually sounds good now! Grrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

The Storm

I know, I need a better title, but I'll think of one later. This poem isn't my favorite, but I wanted to experiment with this idea and with a different measure pattern. The last three words are supposed to be on a slant so that it looks like the words are falling, but this won't let me do that for whatever reason. So it doesn't look the way it should either, but I still want criticism!!!!! Please!!!!!!!

The calm after the storm

Never comes when needed

Always waits for damage to ensue

The roar of thunder

Pounds through all the chaos

Never leaving a moments peace

Skies darken with anger

Rain pours o'er land and sea

And there's no room left for sunlight

Trees bend to the winds

Waves crash out of control

There is not fighting this nightmare

For it will keep howling

It will beat on you

And won't stop 'till it's satisfied

It does not know mercy

It does not care for pleas

But it knows just how to break you

So we endure the pain

As we tremble and wait

For the calm




Saturday, December 1, 2007

A Last Goodbye

This I started writing a few months's very personal to me...and I don't think I'll ever quite finish it. But, it's a start, and I'd like some comments/tips. Thanks!

What can I say
Would it make a difference
You wouldn’t hear anyway
Now you’re off in the distance
In places I don’t know
In time you may show
But now it’s all over
I won’t be seeing you anymore

What can I do
In an empty space
I think of you
But I can't seem to find a trace
It's not the same
Yet who's to blame
They say you're with me
But how can it be
When I can't see
You're face

It's all a dream but I'm not sleeping
It's all unreal and yet it's true
In all my rage, I loved you
I just hope you knew

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Broadway Shocker

I hadn't read the NYTimes in a while, so when I found this I was in SHOCK. I knew that playwrites had a strike this week against producers, but I had no idea how widespread the issue was.
But, I really to give the unions a lot of credit for putting their foot down. I can't imagine it being easy. I mean, artists already have a hard enough time making money and getting stable incomes, and now they're refusing to work just so that their voices are heard. I hope a lot of good comes out of this...that a compromise is made and producers stick to it.


As I was looking through my list of saved quotes, I found one in particular that I never understood. Well, I understand it, but I don't get what makes it so special...

"If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee" - Abraham Lincoln

If someone could explain to me the logic or purpose behing these words, I would love you forever :D

Saturday, November 10, 2007


This one was actualy inspired by Elton John's song "Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word". I hope you like it ;) ...

Sorry, such a small word for feelings that run
so deep

Sorry, how did we come up with something so brief
for things needing so much description?

Sorry, how do you say it in a tempest of angered emotions
and splintered love?

Sorry, how do you explain it so depths are truly

Sorry, what must I do to show my apologies mean more
than a word?

*must I remind you, BE HONEST!!!*

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Love's Bounds

I felt like posting another poem up (a sonnet, actually)...because I'm bored and I can't focus on my homework :P Besides, it's a happy one! So those of you who read my earlier post can cheer up after that teargerker ;)

I think of you because you’re all I see.
I dream of you because you’re all I want.
No, you’re all I desire, but aye me,
The sun rises and sets, and new days taunt
With displeasures or lure with excitements.
Yet my heart’s drums still only beat your name
In the icy chill of loneliness. Once
I was shy and plain, now my heart’s as tame
As a horse in lush fields. But, however
Wide those pastures are, my love’s so endless
No scholar can ever give it measure.
Free horses are, but my love’s so boundless
Skies can’t bind me. Worlds may take you away
To their ends, but my love will hold no sway.

*as always, critisizms, critisizms, CRITISIZMS!*


Here's another poem I wrote a while back. But, I warn you, it's a sad one...

What tears are made of I cannot guess
I knew, but it's now a mess

What are dreams I can't convieve
I've nothing to believe

Please wake up, it must be a dream
And I just want to scream

Yet look around, I'm all broken
My tears are my only token

Monday, November 5, 2007


I was looking through my photos when I found these pretty things :D

I took these photos in Monet's garden...I think...about a year ago. I seem to gravitate towards purpley-pinkish colored flowers, don't I? ...well that's kindof funny...I hate pink

Sunday, November 4, 2007


This poem I'm still working on, too. Especially the ending, I can't figure out how to end it! I wouldn't mind a little help, though ;)
Tick Tock, Tick Tock
It's quite a shock
To see we're locked
In time and clocks
Tick Tock, Tick Tick
Hand's constant flick
But don't be tricked
There's change in clicks
Joy is fleeting
Sorrow's staying
Life's great timing?
Tick Tock, Tick tock
Oh what a shock
We've got us locked
In time and clocks
*What do we think? Good? Bad? BE HONEST!*

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Game

This is a poem I wrote a while back for an English assignment, and afterwords I edited it and changed it around. Like anything else, it still needs work, but I thought it was good enough to post onto here :P

All the world's a stage they say
We've our part's to play
It's a game we all must choose
One wrong turn, you lose

There are highs and there are lows
Like our beloved rose
Sometimes it's all petals
Sometimes the thorn settles

Be wary what path you take
Knowing that risk's at stake
So choose wisely what you be
The game brings no guarantee

*critisize it! offer suggestions! BE BRUTAL!*

Friday, October 26, 2007

A Little About Me

Well, right now I'm at a loss for words (hence "Writer's Block". ha ha!), but I guess I'll discuss a little about WHY I've created this blog. There are only two reasons, really.
1. To motivate me to finish what I start. I have god knows how many unfinished poems, short stories, and dramas I have in my notebook. I'd be nice if they could be DONE so that people can actually read them!!
2. Not to sound morbid or anything, but my father passed away a few weeks ago, and I'm trying to find as many distractions as I can. Don't worry, I'm not going to start posting ramblings about whatever psychological issues are going on in my head - that would be giving a little too much info - but I need to do as many things as possible to keep me from being depressed all the time.

On a lighter note, I'll be posting my creative writings soon (hopefully), and I'll greatly appreciate any criticisms or comments you may have. As a writer and a performer, what others think of my work is precious to me; if I'm not entertaining my audience, I'm not doing a good job at what I love most.

...and yeah...that's all I have to say for now :P I'll keep ya "posted".