Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Writer's Frustrations...

You know what's really frustrating? When you have a great idea for a short story or something, and you think and think about it, but you have to wait to get home so that you have a pen and paper to write it on. So, by the time you get home, you forgot half of what you thought about. And then what you're writing all of the sudden looks like shit, even though it was a marvelous idea!!!! It drives me insane!! I had this great idea the other day to write a short story based off of my poem "The Storm". It would be a short simulation of how a storm grows and brews, and after it's done its worse, it recedes, but still leaves "the clouds". I was thinking about it in the car on my way to my grandparent's house, but I couldn't write it down until I got there being that my notebook and pen were in my bag in the trunk! I get to my grandparents house, I start writing as fast as possible, and I forgot half of my ideas, and now I actually have to sit and try really really hard to come up with something that actually sounds good now! Grrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!

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