No it didn't. I just forgot I had a blog amongst all the rehearsals, work, and drama I was living in. But now that I've figured out that my college is not nearly as artistic as it advertised its self to be, I'm going back to my old venues. I need to put something artsy into my life as I try to juggle work and transfer applications. Anyway, now to be sarcastic and cynical and joke about life.
College Party SceneIs it just me or do college parties start to look the same after a while? Maybe I'm a freak, but I honestly don't understand how people can spend EVERY weekend drinking shitty vodka and playing beer pong and still find it fun. Sure, it's fun for maybe two or three weekends. But I'd like to be able to graduate from college knowing I remember
some weekends. Not that I ever get that drunk considering how I end up having to take care of my shitfaced friends (it's a little hard making sure your friend doesn't end up in a hospital when you can't remember five seconds ago).
And yet, there's something about this weekly routine that just sucks people in. You know those people who every Sunday, when they're hung over and in pain, announce to the world "I'm not going to get that drunk for the rest of the semester! Ever! It's bad and I should take a break from it." Then that Friday it's 12 AM, you walk into some friend's dorm, and there they are slouched in a chair, with a red solo cup in one hand and a condom blown into a balloon in the other, screaming "RAH RAH AH AH AH, ROMA
LAAAH" over and over again because they're too drunk to remember the rest of the words. Seriously people, only say that you're going to stop partying if you actually mean it. Otherwise you start sounding like an alcoholic.
In Other NewsWithin the three and a half months I was in college last semester my mom managed to buy five cats to replace my presence. This has multiple
1) I have now learned that my net worth in the world is five cats. I wonder what that equals in dogs...
2) Considering that my family had only ever owned dogs before, the thought that there are cats running around my house is screwing with my mind.
3) I'm allergic to cats. So every time I'm on the bus home I need to prepare myself for the scratchy eyes and the sniffles ahead.
4) My mother is slowly turning into one of those crazy cat ladies you only ever hear about on TV.